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2016 News

2016.11.02 2016 News 瀏覽人數:2535
EN IT-1188E Series Mounting holes changed
EN IT-1188E Series 開孔尺寸變更
1. Cause (變更原因):
    Mounting holes changed
2. Result (變更要項):
Old Type(已淘汰舊產品) New Type(新標準品)
Change of the mounting holes : From "2-Ø0.9 HOLES" to "2-Ø1.0 HOLES".
開孔尺寸變更:從"2-Ø0.9 HOLES"  變更成 "2-Ø1.0 HOLES"
3. Cut off day(變更起始日期):
    Effective from July. 01, 2016
4. Quality Guarantee Issue (品質保證):
    The function, soldering status and quality will be exactly the same as before.
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